Following an Italian short movie production
A while ago a friend and film director, Francesco D’Ignazio, asked if I would like to document a day in his usual filmmaking process of a short independent movie called “Sciuhhh Aereo” recently shown at the 73 rd Cinema di Venezia Film Festival.
At first I was very flattered , but at the same time also a bit uncomfortable as this is not usually within my domain of work. I told him this, and he felt somehow that it would have worked out. Actually I’m a real fan of filmmaking techniques, all of them, since pre internet era and this gave me some sort of natural feeling with the process and most of all, yes! lets leave the comfort zone!
The established shooting day arrived, and suddenly it was true love! I was surrounded by a group of creatives, professionals, full or part-time, concentrated in their work, all mentally connected to each other in silence, doing what they had to do when necessary. The budget was very low yet the professionalism I saw was outstanding. I was hypnotized several times by how practical props, essential lighting elements, mixed however with advanced filming machinery all combined with knowledgeable technicians and actors end up with an interesting product under the direction of Francesco D’Ignazio. I am very glad to have had the opportunity to see this.
I have decided to separate this post into two parts. This is the first group of images. You may visit Part 2 here
Director, Co Director, Audio Technician and Actors during live shooting
Actress and Makeup assistant
Close up on actress with actor in background during tecnical delays
Technical equipment on the sidewalk kept out of the scene
Scene Numbering
Director overviewing initial shooting sequence while technicians in the background get ready
Director overviewing initial shooting sequence
Actor carefully listening to Director’s indications
Filming technicians take several scenes shots for final editing
Camera Technician handeling carefully a Red Pro 5.0
Technician handeling Audio / Video Cables during a scene setup
Actress waiting in position ready for shooting sequence during undergoing adjustment of surrounding environment
Actors and Techncians gather around during a short meeting with the Director
Art Director and Audio Technician in silence during in between shots
Director of Photography repositioning his Digital Camera, Red pro 5.0
Technicians and Actors rest silently attending instructions for next scene shooting